If you work from home, you know how difficult it can be to keep your home office organized. The biggest challenge lies in separating work life from home life in your office space. So how can you get it under control? Taking 15 minutes at the end of every day to keep your home office organized can do wonders.
Spend 5 minutes getting the "stuff" off of your desk If your desk at home is anything like mine, things tend to just build up there. I clean it off daily but paper and other things end up on it by the end of the day. Organizing a home office and keeping it organized means that you need to keep your desk area clear. Try to make sure that the only things on your desk are things that you need frequent access to and are projects that you are currently working on.
Everything else needs to go. At the end of the day, take everything off of your desk. Only put back those things that you need for the projects that you are working on tomorrow.
For me, this helps clear my brain and get me clear on what I need to do the next day. It is a good way to put your work day to bed. Spend 5 minutes getting rid of the things that do not belong in your home office Organizing your home office at the end of the day also means getting stuff out of your home office that does not belong there. When you work from home, there are often things that end up in your home office that would never end up in an office at a work building. Toys, laundry, and cat toys are all things that have ended up in my home office at the end of the day. It is not always easy to separate work space from home space but make sure that this happens at the end of your day.
All of the things that found their way into your home office that do not belong there need to get to where they belong at the end of the day. Spend 5 minutes creating an "action plan" for the next day This is more of a time management tip than a home office organization tip but it is a good tip nevertheless. If you take time at the end of your day to get your head clear about your game plan for tomorrow, that is definitely a wise investment of your time. I know that I get far more done in a day when I do this. It helps get your priorities straight for the next day and gives you a game plan to follow.
I try not to spend more than 5 minutes at the end of the day doing this because otherwise I end up with a list a mile long of things I need to get done. This action plan for the next day needs to be a realistic one. When time permits, it is also a good idea to put that list in priority order.
Get three easy fixes for organizing your home office today at www.yourhomeisorganized.com/HomeOfficeOrganization.htm